What Is Public Intellectualism and Why Should We Care About It?

对公共知识分子的明确定义在今天并不容易。当前许多关于公共知识分子的话题让人觉得,思想领袖就是要加入一个独家俱乐部,登上一张“名单”“前20名”“前100名”我们这个时代的公共知识分子。我们的写作专家团队最近研究并创建了一个15 Day Reading List on Public Intellectuals, we found that most thought pieces on the topic are really judgments of who is and who is not a public intellectual. And while we all need intellectual heroes, the list-building approach to public intellectualism has got it all wrong.

If all we do is measure the influence and status of the world’s most renowned thought leaders, we miss the critically important work of fostering everyday habits of knowledge-making and knowledge-sharing within ourselves and our communities. All this talk about who’s on or off the list merely distracts us from the true definition of what public intellectualism is: the shared societal pursuit of knowledge.

那么,“谁是公共知识分子”这个问题的答案是什么呢?公众根据自己的威望、受众规模、媒体关注度、社会影响力来定义公共知识分子远没有那么好,或者甚至是对无阻碍的知识追求的“真诚”的尊重(毕竟,没有任何行动不受权力结构的影响或不受权力结构的影响——即使某些对思想领导的追求比其他追求更透明和真实)。相反,我们将公共知识分子定义为追求知识创造和发展的个体知识共享–those with an irrepressible belief in the importance of fact-finding, researching, sharing insights, and hearing diverse perspectives of both decision-makers and those impacted by them.




为什么这个公共知识分子的观点比目前的列表建设方法更加富有成效?将公共知识分子定义为承诺将知识分享的人,以及作为一个集体运动的公共知识分子,是赋予的。This definition equips all of us–experts and leaders as well as members of the general public–to learn, teach, investigate, share, debate, negotiate and realize truths that impact the decisions we make.通过这种方式,公共知识产权促进了公众的善行,并致力于公众的利益和福祉。知识和智力是非竞争,非排他性的公共产品。如果是这种情况,我们的焦点需要符合我们如何加强我们个人和专业生活中的公共知识产权习惯。

公众是ready, capable, and deserving of receiving and making knowledge。So let’s dive into what an age of public intellectualism might look like.




To effectively promote public intellectualism, knowledge must be: 1) accessible; 2) translatable; 3) interdisciplinary; 4) collaborative; 5) ethical; 6) authentic; 7) entertaining; and 8) factual.Public intellectuals live out these axioms in their knowledge-making practices.

Let’s dive into each of these axioms of pubic intellectualism:


考虑所有我们大多数人都可以在这些日子里掌握一下的所有东西。我们可以访问Word处理软件并发布我们写的内容。我们可以访问社交媒体平台并自由传播我们发布的内容。我们可以访问当地新闻,国家新闻,国际新闻,朋友,陌生人,巨魔和机器人的意见。然而,学术,同伴审查的知识经常被限制在大学图书馆和付费访问数据库。行业专家的见解受到知识产权面纱的保护。从人们被动地消耗信息到一个文化的文化转变read, write, and repurposewhat has been written, and then discuss, requires access to the intellectual material that will build a more well-informed public. And keeping in mind the diverse individuals who make up the public, accessibility also means information-sharing that promotes the full inclusion of all members of society, no matter their socioeconomic status, literacy level, race, identity or失能


公众应该得到能够被理解和实际使用的信息。否则,世界上所有的访问都是毫无意义的。使信息具有可翻译性意味着在始终清楚地表达信息的同时传达信息本身为什么重要。Cornel West doesn’t just define neoliberalism. Hemakes the casefor why discussions about neoliberalism matter right now. Translatable also means, simply, writing like a human who is writing to other humans. Without translatability, you get jargon or “academese.”正如吉尔·莱波尔所说:“a great, heaping mountain of exquisite knowledge surrounded by a vast moat of dreadful prose.” Public intellectualism demands we say things in ways all people can understand.


Creative prompts that promise success and innovation via “thinking outside the box”都很好,但真正的挑战creative problem-solving means creating bridges across diverse areas of expertise. Today’s problems are just too complex to understand and solve in siphoned-off specialty silos. Automation. Globalism. Digital literacy. Income distribution. Nuclear non-proliferation. Climate change. We need to value contributions across fields, including thealways-under-assault humanities。毕竟,这些领域经常被视为不同的伙伴,做好良好的合作伙伴。作为一个聪明的朋友,一旦看着侏罗纪公园的同时:“科学就会教你如何从灭绝带来恐龙。人文会提醒你可以并不总是意味着应该, and let’s just all steer clear of dino eggs, shall we?”


工业界和学术界的工作需要用理论、数据和思想家的智慧来检验他们的想法,而这些人已经建立并维持了他们的商业和研究项目。学术出版需要对即将出版的任何研究进行同行评审。从这个意义上说,它总是协作的。公众也应该得到同样的支持。这可以从更好地访问研究, but should continue with promoting collaborations across stakeholders who are making decisions that will affect the public. Which individuals, groups, and entities will have the most valuable insights to share? They deserve a seat at the table.

Knowledge should be ethical

What is the motive that drives the choice to share an information tidbit or a perspective? C. Wright Mills’ 1945 pronouncement serves as a reminder to consider the ethical concerns impacting knowledge-sharing today: “Between the intellectual and his potential public stand technical, economic, and social structures which are owned and operated by others.” Public intellectuals sometimes receive flak for using their celebrity status牛肉或利润从口语中发言。毕竟,额外的CV线是学术界的货币。它可以影响促销和任期决策。实际上,公司,组织,社区 - 私人和公共设施的制约因素都有自己的优先事项,影响我们所做的工作。再次,没有任何活动从电力结构中离来。对道德的承诺意味着不断质疑推动我们工作并询问是否最终增加公众的动机。

Knowledge should be authentic



我们今天最重要的知识分子可能根本不是传统意义上的知识分子。They may be comedians.Samantha Bee, Stephen Colbert, John Oliver, Trevor Noah. They’re always tackling politics, but they make the news accessible through comic delivery. The choice to point out the absurd in an era of alt-facts and truthiness may be just what the public needs at this particular moment to make current events more digestible. This sensitivity to what tone fits what context is what the public deserves across venues.


经常,我们被告知我们在信息之海上被唤醒。添加到海上一个更新的比喻扭曲:不仅我们在信息之海上被唤醒;现在我们在海上避开了mis信息,归功于在线信息共享。显然,我们需要一个锚点和集体协议,以对“alt事实”的死亡打击。虽然大学正在优先考虑教学帮助我们区分事实和虚构的数字素养技能(并从假装成为事实的意见),即使 - 尤其是那些事实时,该任务也需要集体承诺 - 尤其是这些事实与我们的个人景观不一致。

So Why is it Critical to Pursue an Age of Public Intellectualism?



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