

Branding is about so much more than logos, colors, and fonts. Even companies such as超级便宜的标志also know the importance of branding and raising awareness of your business or any products you wish to promote.
Those aesthetic elements are essential to building a memorable brand, but they’re not the heart that drives an organization, and they aren’t really the right place to begin a brand journey. Read on to discover our expert advice on how to create a brand vision board, plusget our free downloadable brand vision board template! And if you’re ready to take it to the next level, you should definitely check outldsports乐动体育 book a content strategy sessionwith our expert team.

品牌愿景板s & The Branding Journey


By asking deep questions about the nature and heart of our business-what deliverables we most love to work on, who we love working with, what “vibe” we give off when collaborating-we were able to establish a foundational understanding of our branding想象在谈论设计之前。


content strategy session services



Untold Brand Vision Board

While a good old-fashioned brand board showcases your organization’s brand in one impactful, visual package,一个品牌想象董事会揭示推动您品牌的单词,知识和使命:您组织对您的品牌对世界产生影响的愿景。


We designed our brand vision board to capture all of the information that drives our vision as a company. What are our strategic, true north goals? What content will be deliver and why? Who will benefit from this work? In a way,一个品牌想象board serves as a one-page business planthat anyone in our company can reference quickly to remember the key concepts that drive our work. But it is easy towhat is a company vision?


  1. 标语:虽然这是在品牌愿景板的顶部有特色,但您可能无法通过讨论标记线启动品牌旅程。这通常是在这个过程之后,在你建立了你是谁以及你做了什么之后。
  2. Who We Are:您将如何将自己包装给您想要服务的客户,领导和社区?你团队的特点是什么?您是否有共享的教育背景或经验水平?这是建立你是公司的地方。
  3. What We Do:Second to knowing who you are is establishing what you provide (and even more importantly, what you don’t provide). Try to make this section as tactile as possible.
  4. Vision:这是您组织对未来的愿景。在最高水平,你最希望实现什么?这是你梦想你将在世界上造成的缩小影响的机会。
  5. Ideal Clients:After establishing the higher-level items, like who you are, what you do, and your vision, it’s time to get more focused on the practical issues that drive you toward those big goals. It’s essential that you understand your ideal clients so that you can focus your content marketing and outreach efforts on building relationships with those audiences.
  6. Client Pain Points:您创建和交付的任何内容都应该解决客户的痛点,这是您理想的客户的工作和需求的差距。我们发现我们的许多客户都是不错的作家,但缺乏时间和资源写作。此知识驱动我们的业务模式(即我们进行写作)和我们的内容使命陈述(即我们提供资源以支持更好的商业写作)。
  7. Content Mission Statement:Inspired by the book,内容,Inc。, this section of your brand vision board contributes directly to your content marketing strategy. Whatever content you will develop and deliver as an organization-whether web copy, blog posts, podcast episodes, YouTube videos, email newsletters, white papers, peer-reviewed publications, and ANY other content-based deliverable-should align toward a larger mission that contributes to your organization’s vision. A content mission statement indicates the medium you will deliver content in (for us, this is primarily our blog), what you will provide, who you will provide it to, and why it will help them. This is a key aspect of your content strategy because as you go to write or create content, you can return back to this mission statement again and again to ensure that what you create serves your larger mission. Alignment is key to successful communications.
  8. Advertising:创建内容后,您将如何与世界分享?这不是传统的广告,而是一个通过解决他们的痛点来广播您的信息并构建客户关系的机会。选择最佳网络以提供内容并创建内容日历是密钥。从社交媒体大师看一些关于这一点的一些很好的建议,Kimberly Jimenez.
  9. Products:您可以提供哪些主要产品和服务?乐动体育娱乐这是您通过留下列表中的一些东西来编写所生产的种类的类型(并使其清除内容策略之外的内容。
  10. SEO关键词:如果您正在创建令人惊叹的内容,没有人能找到,那么点数是什么?我们使用搜索页面关键词research databaseGoogle Trends看看我们的客户和社区正在在线搜索哪些常见事物,然后确保我们以谷歌SEO蜘蛛蜘蛛将理解和排名高度的方式来单词。乐动体育娱乐如果您希望人们找到您的内容,那么您应该考虑识别将使人们带到您的工作的最常见的搜索短语。您还可以考虑聘请您所在地区的SEO顾问,例如,如果您是一家位于英国的公司,您可以去喜欢这样的人Daniel Foleywho is a freelance consultant that can help with SEO strategies, audits, etc. Finding the best one to suit you will make your business thrive. With this in mind, if you do decide to reach out to a digital marketing specialist for SEO advice, it is in your best interest to do your research to ensure that the marketing expert you decide to contact has experience relevant to your field. For example, if you are interested infinancial advisor marketing, your requirements will be different compared to a company that requires creative sector marketing.

你的品牌愿景板揭示在最高列弗els what you are up to as an organization and what impacts you hope to create. Enjoy the process! And remember that articulating a vision is key to establishing a successful brand for your organization.



Check ourour design-based brand board here!


Love this idea? Want to know more? Learnhow to write your organization’s content and communications strategy.

希望我们帮助您构建与组织使命和愿景对齐的内容策略?ldsports乐动体育 !



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