MFB生育公司的Amy Beckley为医学信息获取提供动力。

“整个任务就是让人们获得信息,这样他们就可以为自己辩护。——MFB Fertility Inc.首席执行官兼所有者艾米·贝克利






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凯蒂·特劳斯·泰勒:(00:00:19)我们今天的嘉宾是艾米·贝克利。她是MFB Fertility Inc.的首席执行官和所有者。他们是Proov测试的制造商,这是第一个经过临床验证的快速反应尿孕激素测试,让女性在舒适的家中快速、经济地测试自己的水平。艾米,你把你的公司描述为科学家,希望通过创造创新的激素测试设备来改变不孕症的诊断和治疗方式。欢迎来到播客。



艾米:贝克利(00:00:56)是的,当然。我一直都知道我想成为一名科学家,你知道,科学家需要额外的教育。所以我读了学士学位,然后读了博士学位,然后读了博士后,最后开始了一份事业,并决定是时候让我丈夫和我成家了。作为一个聪明,受过良好教育,拥有博士学位的女性,我认为生一个孩子会非常容易。我是说,这能有多难?我们被告知只要一次,你就可能意外怀孕。所以我们开始尝试,尝试,再尝试,但我们从来没有成功过。我确实怀孕了几次,不幸的是,在头几周就失去了那些。当我打电话给不同的医生说,“嘿,我有点不对劲,”我的科学大脑肯定在启动,说:“是的,应该需要……不会花这么长时间。”什么是错的。 Something’s wrong.” But when I called the doctors, none of them wanted to treat me. They said, “you know what? You haven’t been trying long enough. You haven’t had enough miscarriages. And so we’re not going to give you additional testing. Just try on your own.” And that just made me very frustrated, very alone, very lost. And when we finally hit that magical twelve-month mark, we’d had two losses. We went and saw a reproductive endocrinologist and he ran a bunch of tests and he couldn’t find a single thing wrong with me. The diagnosis that I got was unexplained infertility, which is like the worst because you’re infertile and they have absolutely no reason why. So there had to be a reason. They just didn’t know what it was. So the only thing that I could do was IVF. They said, you know, you can continue trying and maybe you’ll conceive or you can do in vitro fertilization or IVF, which is about fifteen thousand dollars per cycle. And that is going to give me the highest chance at success. So – sick of waiting, sick of being frustrated, having losses – I was all in. I’m like, you do your magic on me, please. Like, I just want a baby. We went through two cycles. The first one was an epic failure. The second one looked like it was going to fail. But, you know, final hour, positive pregnancy test. And that turned into my son, who is almost 10.

凯蒂·特劳斯·泰勒:(00:03:34)哇。祝贺你。哦,我的天哪。艾米,有什么好疯狂的,我们第一次在一起谈话的时候,我们的故事完全一样,直到你的试管婴儿之旅。我可以通过其他方式怀孕,但实际上每一种情绪,每一次经历,从流产到缺乏理解,以及当时产科医生的决定,没有非常积极主动,只是让这些事情发生,没有进一步的测试和支持。我可以在这样深刻的个人层面上与之联系,我知道很多女性都可以。如果你正在听这个播客,我知道我们正在深入探讨关于主要痛点的个人故事,对吧?几乎没有比不孕更严重的痛点了。这是我们作为人类所面临的更深层次的斗争之一。我们今天要讨论的是如何在这个领域进行创新,这是非常私人的事情,对于我们这些经历过的人来说,这是一件很难经历的事情。 And I bet even if listeners are listening and they think, well, I’ve never heard of anyone going through that… It’s far more common than you think. Is it that one in five?











艾米:贝克利(00:05:42)是的,当然。所以当我儿子18个月大的时候,我对我丈夫说,你知道吗,我是疯了,但我想我想再要一个孩子。他愿意尝试一下。但我说,你知道吗?这次我不想做体外受精。我真的很想回去和我的医生谈谈,试着诊断出我的问题是什么。所以,你知道,作为一名科学家,我可以在他的办公室和他交谈。我们讨论了各种各样的事情,比如为什么你认为这个行不通或者你为什么不那样做?或者化验报告上有什么发现?于是我就有了这样的理论,我排卵不正常。 So ovulatory disorders are the number one cause of infertility. And, you know, obviously, ovulation is a process of creating an egg and you need an egg to be fertilized to get an embryo and then a baby. And I was obviously making eggs because I would get pregnant, but I would lose it. And so my theory was I didn’t have a healthy ovulation. My body just wasn’t prepared to receive that embryo and to nourish it through the entire pregnancy. So, you know, I had these conversations with my doctor and, you know, I was lacking a hormone called progesterone. And that was the theory. And I said, you know what? I don’t have enough. Can you just give me more? So they make bioidentical progesterone that you basically supplement your own progesterone with a medication that you can get prescribed. And so we did that. And within two months, I was pregnant and stayed pregnant. And she’s now almost seven.




艾米:贝克利(00:08:09)那是我的临时演讲台。这就是我发明这个产品的原因。我说,女人,夫妻,我们应该过得更好。我们不应该干坐着等。我们应该增强自己的能力,能够与医生进行更好的对话。”所以,你知道,我们发明了一种非常简单的方法来跟踪你的排卵质量。你在排卵期吗?这是一次成功、健康的排卵吗?所以这是一个简单的基于尿液的测试。你可以去亚马逊,我们的网站,塔吉特买。 Take it home, collect first morning urine, dip a strip and wait five minutes, read the number of lines. Super easy. We try to make it so accessible for women to do. And then if they’re not ovulating and they’re getting negative results: that’s amazing information and insight that they can take to their doctor and say, “you know what? I’ve only been, you know, trying to conceive for like four months. But I’ve been taking these tests and it shows that I’m just not ovulating. And let’s start the conversations now.” I mean, if a woman is not ovulating, I don’t care if she waits four months, six months, one year, two years, she’s not going to get pregnant. So why is there this arbitrary time limit? So that’s… The whole mission is just to empower people with information so they can advocate for themselves.




艾米:贝克利(00:09:59)是的,是的,是的。这是很好的性交时机。我什么时候有生育能力?但他们没有告诉你的是:我真的排卵了吗?我还有受孕的机会吗?我的身体准备好接受受精的胚胎了吗?排卵测试,就像它的名字一样,它是排卵测试。这不是:我在预测排卵,它只是排卵。所以有一个很大的误解,“哦,我的排卵测试呈阳性。我一定是排卵了。” I mean, it’s not… it’s easy to understand why there’s a misconception, but we have to go in and communicate with women saying, yes, take the ovulation test, time intercourse, because that is very, very important, but also confirm healthy ovulation with Proov. You know, we work better together. We say that all over our packaging, all over our website. It’s like more information is power. And so it’s hard to educate consumers about how, you know, how this adds additional knowledge, an additional piece of information. In the beginning, it was very hard. Now it’s not as hard because there’s more people. We’ve helped a lot of women figure out the problem, talk to their doctor, get the treatment, and now they’re pregnant. And so we’re seeing more and more of these stories. I was on our…. I have a, we have a private message board for women so they can support each other and communicate because it is so isolating. We need to have a forum for women to connect and offer advice and help each other. And I was on it last night and I counted eight pregnancies and was just blown away.




艾米:贝克利(00:12:46)是的。不,绝对。那是巨大的。对我们来说,重要的是我们不仅仅是一家产品公司,我们还是一个教育和支持社区。我们想要提供知识。我们一直在推荐产品。我们与精子检测公司或补充剂公司合作,或者只是让人们获得好的产品和好的信息,帮助他们,引导他们前进。我——你知道——我们创建了这个社区。我们在亚马逊上是因为我们意识到,如果你在你的网站上卖东西,我的意思是,我相信每个人都知道,但人们网站上的大多数评论都是不真实的。它们是无效的。 Like, I don’t know, a single, you know, manufacturer’s website that’s got anything less than, like a four-point-eight star review rating. Right?








艾米:贝克利(00:15:15)排序的。我的意思。我的第一份工作是在一家生物技术公司。我们开发了治疗癌症的药物,我觉得我们创造的产品改变了人们的生活,这太不可思议了。所以我一直在想,嘿,我不会成为一个只会写研究报告的科学家。我要成为一个科学家,把其他了不起的科学家所做的研究成果转化成产品。你知道,在这个世界上,我们两者都需要。我们需要各种各样的人。他们真的很擅长科学研究。我真的很擅长把科学运用到创新的新技术中,让人们可以利用它。 So I’ve always had that mindset. That’s what I want to do. It wasn’t until the purpose and the passion behind it, which was this is the product that I have to create.


艾米:贝克利(00:16:16)你知道,我们真的很热衷于让人们有个幸福的结局。我们在帮助女性发现问题方面做得很好。我们想把重点转移到如何治疗上?我们如何帮助他们找到解决方案?所以在发现和解决问题之间真正地完成了循环。所以我们正在建立一个直接连接的平台。所以,你知道,我们有一个模拟测试。这是一行对两行。非常容易。但我们做了一个应用程序,基本上把这些信息数字化。 It makes it super easy. A woman opens the app: “oh, today I take this test, great.” Open camera, take test, reads it, graphs it, and then eventually it’ll build the graph for her and it will tell her, you know, results look good or hey, they’re not so good. You should reach out. And then we want to be able to connect those women to doctors that can treat them. So if she needs some type of medication treatment, that she can get those resources. And then the other side is there’s a lot of things you can do that don’t require going to the doctor. There are supplements, there’s foods, there’s certain lifestyle things that you can do to naturally put your body back into balance so that you can conceive naturally without even having to go to a doctor or getting any prescriptions. And so we’re building out that more holistic, natural approach to, you know, here’s what your hormones are saying. Here’s kind of what we recommend based on your unique profile that you do to change your lifestyle, to be more conducive to conception.






艾米:贝克利(00:19:59)对,@proovtest,所以proovtest。com是这个网站。这也是社交处理。我们有一个巨大的Instagram内容策略。我们做了很多教育和赠品。" provtest "是句柄。我们也在亚马逊上,所以你可以进入,阅读评论,了解产品,看看是否适合你。我们还在全国范围内的塔吉特百货网上销售。




艾米:贝克利(00:20:31)是的。是的。所以。是的。我的意思是,这真的很令人兴奋。我们在Facebook上也有一个私人小组。如果你浏览我们的网站,滚动到顶部,上面写着“Proov社区”。你只要点击它,你就会直接进入——这是通过Facebook,因为没有人想要再次登录——这是我们被告知的,你知道,我完全理解。它是通过Facebook,我们让群里的任何人都想了解它。他们不需要已经购买了。 They just want to browse and see what it’s all about. I had a test, ask questions, whatever it is. So we encourage people that are going through this battle. They don’t know if this is really the right thing for them. They have questions about whatever it is, you know, join the group, connect with women. We have an amazing, amazing group of women in there that is just a really awesome free resource for anybody who’s struggling because anything we can do to help them struggle less is our mission.






