The Scientific Paper Is Not Obsolete… It’s Inaccessible

By Katie Trauth Taylor, PhD & Stephen Taylor, PhD

最新的科学思想片本月的特色大西洋承担科学写作的可行性,提出大胆的宣言:科学论文已经过时了。作者James Somers认为,“今天的科学结果经常在计算机的帮助下发现。那是因为这些想法是复杂的,动态的,难以抓住你的思想的眼睛。然而,到目前为止,我们为传播这些结果的最受欢迎的工具是PDF实际上是一张纸的模拟。也许我们可以做得更好。“他的思想与从人文科学出现的多模和新媒体研究的上次研究的最后十年保持一致。他的Savvy Spin是集成在研究文章中的计算散文或互动数据操作软件 - 可能是英雄在数字时代的科学界需要。这是一个重要的作品,但我们认为,科学通信可访问性的重要性具有超越算法的影响。

一个人只需要看目前的政治气候 -growing attacks on science(和较大的Death of Expertise) - 看到赌注远高于确保科学界实现更好的数据操纵。能力the public访问,理解和信任科学专家的关注甚大。为了理解和行动的知识,必须首先对更广泛的公众进行访问。作为博士无机化学家和博士学技术作家,我们很漂亮地投资科学沟通。我们都研究(尽管来自大脑的两侧)科学发现对社会的影响。对我们来说,可访问性,不仅仅是关于PDF的局限性。公众能够理解和行动科学知识的能力。获取信息对于我们民主的成功和创新的未来至关重要。然而,对科学的普遍认识和理解受到两个关键障碍的阻碍:1)公众的文字缺乏对大多数研究期刊和2)科学家的斗争来翻译他们对非专家的知识。

For knowledge to be understood and acted upon, it must be accessible to the broader public.

关于文字访问,大多数研究教授依赖于同行评审的出版物来赚取和保持任期。然而,传统期刊的出版意味着他们的见解是从公众锁定的洞察力,他们必须支付天文费,以阅读全文版本的研究文章。是不是第一个to point out the irony that the public must struggle to access insights from research that was publicly funded in the first place. The EU, for instance, has set a goal ofmaking all of its scientific papers free and accessible到2020年到公众。此类努力可以在装备公共观众方面发挥关键作用,以了解有关政策,研究美元和法规的知情决定。不仅如此,还是更广泛地获得科学数据可以彻底改变小型和中型商业部门的创新,在那里获得学术数据库的高成本限制了行业专家可用的研究金额。如果是professors from Rowan University声称“新兴产业中的小公司是美国经济增长的最大引擎之一”,随后缺乏对最新研究的获取肯定会停滞我们国家的进步。

More and more research is revealing thatpeople’s perceptions of scienceis rooted in their particular worldviews. That’s why it’s critical for all public audiences—and especially journalists—to be able to access and understand scientific insights. As recently discussed in国家科学院的诉讼程序(PNA), the media has a responsibility to publicize misuse or misrepresentation of science. Before we can do so, we must first have access to scientific information, as well as clear communication from scientists themselves. Communication is an additional barrier to access, not only because the knowledge that we unravel as experts is locked away in paid-access journals, but also because it’s written in a language that is far too often indecipherable to the public.

It’s time to rethink how we engage and educate the public about science.Insights from disciplines与设计,修辞,专业写作和技术沟通一样,可以帮助我们恢复最佳翻译科学发现的如何铺设观众。乐动体育266培训科学家认为自己是公共知识分子 crucial to the future of science.

At the heart of Somers’ article, we hear a hunger for accessibility—a desire to update how we deliver scientific data. So in response to Somers’ suggestion that, “Maybe we can do better,” we agree. Yes, we can and must do better—not only by rethinking the format of the scientific paper, but by making scientific data and theories more broadly accessible to public audiences both in terms of literal, full-text access to research journals and clear, non-jargon communication styles.

科学和技术专家再也藏不住的e under the assumption that nuance and expertise will be lost in public translation. Simplifying complicated information for someone outside of your area of expertise will always be more challenging than chatting it up with colleagues who share your same training. Yet contextualizing, clarifying, and clearly communicating expert insights for broad public audiences is perhaps the most critical task scientists face today. It’s Malcolm Gladwell’s wisdom inOphthalmologythat, “The best expert is the one who also belongs to the wider world.” The public’s ability to think, learn and make informed decisions about the use of public research funds and the direction of scientific inquiry all depend upon the accessibility of scientific insight.

Author Bios

Katie Trauth Taylor,博士学位是未罗革斯内容的首席执乐动体育足球行官,是科学,医学,制造和技术的思想领导者的写作咨询。斯蒂芬泰勒,博士是一家辛辛那提化工制造公司的研发技术经理。

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