

一个写作的流程问题,让我重叠是:我如何“遥远”吗?上周末,我花了很多时间在我的“阿弗里拉西亚”手稿上,特别是开始,特别是一开始,我通过对塑造弗里兰艺术的观点的理解者来说,我的论点。在我的第二段中,我解释说:“在后殖民理论家Homi Bhabha和修辞理论家Jenny Edbauer米中,我提供了表演修辞生态的框架,作为一种认识,构思和估值居住在税前的群体或”- “文化空间”。甚至在潜入Hauser之前,我也开始感到紧张。还有谁表达了“修辞生态”和“表演修辞学”的概念?Bhabha超越Bellah。巴特勒。cushman。雷布雷。哈蒂格。 Rice. Squires. Warner. Now Hauser. Do I footnote them? Do I incorporate them into my narrative framework? How many of them? Where do I draw the line? When will my reader get frustrated and want to hear what I have to say—mycontribution? How “far back” in theoretical/scholarly time do I go?

As I read Hauser, I got more and more excited. He begins by extending Habermas’ ideal bourgeois public sphere into a multiplicity of public spheres, wherein the discourse of “social actors who are attempting to appropriate their own historicity” (55) makes a public emerge. For him, discourse is essential to the emergence of publics, and our discourses are always multifaceted, contradictory, active, and interactive—or what other theorists might call “networked” (Cushman; Foster; Galloway). When I arrived five pages later at Hauser’s first reference to “environmental” scenes of discourse, I stopped right quick.环境!?修辞生态?!“交际生态形状是我们的公共领域“(60)!?


七年来,豪瑟的说同样的话!我们应该“概念化公众作为进程”(55)。学者应该“从事修辞生态以及修辞行为的分析,包括自己的修辞行为,他们进化“(110强调他的)。在那里!凌晨明亮:“修辞生态”。然而,当我看米饭的参考书目时,Hauser没有参考。在我们的“令人讨厌的纪律”中,这不会发生这种情况?不应该有人制作我们领域的遗传线条图表吗?在讨论Debray的同时,我们班上的某人惊呼:“这似乎并不像他的那个读取任何修辞理论。”为什么他没有?或者他,但他在他的论点中没有看到它的价值?有米饭读起来吗? If so, why not mention him? How “far back” should we go?我有多少次问过这个?

我重新评估了我的问题:在哪里一世站在这个问题上?当我回答时,当然我要“回去”并在其所追求的地方赋予信贷(即使我不确定whoor有多少whos我给信贷)。不过,最有价值的妈妈ent of my revising this weekend occurred when I stood and articulated my thoughts aloud to my husband—said them in my own words rather than through the words of others. For the first time, I had confidence in my ability to revise this manuscript. It came as a huge relief to a writer just starting to enter a very overlapping, intimidating “concatenation of voices”—to know I have a voice of my own among them.


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    我对这个问题的概念是回到你的“母船” - 即,向你介绍这个想法的人 - 并检查谁他们have cited to see their background. My gut instinct is always to cite the people who make you excited and footnote the rest with one of the usual “Other thinkers on the topic such as博士argue” or “Alternate perspectives are presented by” lines. (Isn’t it scary that I have internalized the genre conventions of the academic footnote to the point where I have a canned introduction set for them?)

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