Case Story:







We produced a content strategy, schedule, blogs, infographics, social media, and an eBook.

Content Strategy and Content Creation Services for BidView Mobile App

政府采购经常感受到小企业主的密集荒野 - 尤其是希望第一次开始的人。这是压倒性的。这些选项是无限的,但很难知道在哪里开始.BidView是德克萨斯州的一名经验丰富的创业公司,提供小企业,特别是资深人士,通过在线和移动应用程序提供政府出价机会。

Small businesses in Texas still have to go on the journey of finding and winning bids, but BidView helps them set out on the safest, best and most rewarding path. We led BidView’s co-founders, Sevie Sarabia and Jesse Longoria, through content strategy sessions to identify the user’s challenges and develop the brand’s identity. Sevie and Jesse understood that Texas small business owners and sole proprietors needed a curated source of opportunities: A One-Stop Government Bid Shop.


Importantly, we began our BidView blog journey with Sevie and Jesse’s compelling personal stories of innovation; their experiences as soldiers motivated them to continue serving their country after their time in the military. Other posts provided guidance to small business owners hoping to win government contracts.




  • 通过对Bidview的鼓舞人心的联合创始人及其革命政府采购应用程序记录创意组织故事来提高品牌意识
  • Grow BidView’s fanbase by sharing with Texas small business owners and sole proprietors useful and engaging guidance on how to find and win local, city and state Texas government contracts through the BidView app and premium web subscription service
  • 通过在德克萨斯州的州内的小型企业主并在社交媒体上与他们联系起来,通过共享内容来驱动网站流量
  • Increase website traffic and downloads of BidView’s mobile application by consistently sharing content that strategically deploys research-based SEO keywords


As we developed strategic solutions for BidView, we recognized the power behind Jessie and Sevie’s experiences as soldiers and believed their story revealed an even more meaningful commitment to the services they provide as a company. With the storytelling aspect of our content strategy in mind, we crafted the following tactical solutions:

  • Discover BidView Texas’ Brand Chemistry, Content Style, & Strategic Goals
  • 文件Bidview Texas'内容策略和计划
  • 写12个博客帖子
  • 设计3 infographics.
  • Create 5 Email Experiments
  • Circulate 100+ Social Media Posts
  • Write an eBook for New BidView Users

the impact





我们的内容策略会议BidView带领我们to the idea that government procurement often feels like a dense wilderness to small business owners–especially those hoping to get started for the first time. It’s overwhelming. The options are limitless and yet it’s hard to know where to start. Sevie and Jesse chose the brand identity of “The Sherpa” because BidView serves as a trusted guide to the scary wilderness that is government contracting. BidView blazes the trail. Small businesses in Texas still have to go on the journey–finding and winning bids–but BidView helps them set out on the safest, best and most rewarding path.

After engaging the BidView team in a series of exercises to determine their brand identity, target audiences, creative content, and keywords for better search optimization, we were ready to design and implement a comprehensive content strategy.我们战略性地概述了一系列文章,用于发布在他们的博客上,发明和安排内容,以便每个帖子都会建立在另一个帖子上。我们共同努力生成博客内容思想,这些想法将参与Bidview的受众,并帮助他们在Bidview的申请的帮助下取得政府采购。从这里,我们开发了使用社交媒体参与和SEO最佳实践的内容写作和交付的一致计划。

Because this content effort launched during Veterans’ Week 2016, we began our BidView blog journey with Sevie and Jesse’s compelling story. Read more about how their experiences as soldiers motivated them to continue serving their country after their time in the military in“退伍军人联合创始人强迫帮助小企业赢得德克萨斯州出价。”

Other posts in our series drew upon “The Sherpa” brand identity to provide guidance to small business owners h0ping to win government contracts. Visit theBidView blog要查看我们合作的其他博客职位,我们正在促进导航政府采购空间。



  • 通过对Bidview的鼓舞人心的联合创始人及其革命政府采购应用程序记录创意组织故事来提高品牌意识
  • Grow BidView’s fanbase by sharing with Texas small business owners and sole proprietors useful and engaging guidance on how to find and win local, city and state Texas government contracts through the BidView app and premium web subscription service
  • 通过在德克萨斯州的州内的小型企业主并在社交媒体上与他们联系起来,通过共享内容来驱动网站流量
  • Increase website traffic and downloads of BidView’s mobile application by consistently sharing content that strategically deploys research-based SEO keywords


As we developed strategic solutions for BidView, we recognized the power behind Jessie and Sevie’s experiences as soldiers and believed their story revealed an even more meaningful commitment to the services they provide as a company. With the storytelling aspect of our content strategy in mind, we crafted the following tactical solutions:

  • Discover BidView Texas’ Brand Chemistry, Content Style, & Strategic Goals
  • 文件Bidview Texas'内容策略和计划
  • 写12个博客帖子
  • 设计3 infographics.
  • Create 5 Email Experiments
  • Circulate 100+ Social Media Posts
  • Write an eBook for New BidView Users

Implications for Our Clients

  • We research relevant technical information and collect data for your organization to develop strategic content and brand presence.
  • 我们对SEO和UX的了解支持品牌知名度和在线分析。
  • 我们创建建立您品牌并激励行动的内容。
  • 我们强调您的服务背后的有影响力的故事。乐动体育娱乐


“我有幸在我们启动的早期阶段与凯蒂合作大约三个月。在那段短暂的时间里,我意识到我不仅遇到了专业内容开发商,但我也遇到了一个关心我们和我们的使命的一个伟大的女企业家。这是她共同激情,能源和愿景,帮助告诉我们的故事更好,并在几周内建立内容图书馆。凯蒂的创意思想提升了我们的社交平台,产品到了全新的水平。She is a tremendous asset, and I look forward to having her and Dani back on our team in the near future. Check out her creativity and content at” — Sevie Sarabia, BidView Co-Founder

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