

Organizational Storytelling Fuels Continuous Improvement


  • Engage internal stakeholders in cultural transformation
  • Inform customers and external stakeholders about your organizational vision and the changes in effect
  • 开发大众关于您的专业知识和经验
  • Gain formative feedback on your organizational transformation that can help your team revise and tweak your efforts into the future


In this guide to storytelling for organizational change, we’ll share tips for collecting stories about organizational change and communicating effectively to internal and external stakeholders. For deeper insights delivered in a high-impact experience, be sure to also exploreUntold’s Virtual Innovation Storytelling Training experience。Change is nearly always innovative. In this fully self-paced virtual experience, we share insights from interviews with 100 innovation leaders about how to leverage storytelling to inspire change and accelerate innovation.

Untold Innovation Storytelling Training Module Screen

Change requires engagement. The story-sharing techniques in this guide will help you engage people across your organization-from front-line staff to executive leadership-in order to tap into the collective intelligence of your organization and achieve greater engagement in your organizational transformation. As expert writing consultants, we support thought-leading organizations in collecting, analyzing and spreading stories that drive organizational missions.Explore our professional writing and content strategy sessions to learn more about how to become an Untold client.

Power of Organizational Storytelling and Story-Sharing

Organizational storytelling and story-sharing can transform your culture and provide staff with a voice for contributing their ideas and reflections. If story-swapping isn’t currently part of your organizational culture, here are some creative ways we’ve seen storytelling become integrated into organizational change initiatives:

  • 使用每次会议的前5-10分钟来交换成功案例。
  • Schedule a monthly or quarterly “open-mic” assembly for story-sharing around particular organizational topics.
  • Encourage staff to write down and share quotes they hear about organizational change efforts. We call these “notable quotes” and recommend placing them in a shared document, like a Google Sheet.
  • 为分享故事或“值得注意的引用”的空间,进入退出简报或评估访谈/调查,这些访谈/调查是作为组织变革努力的一部分进行的。



现在你正在创造一个强大的sh的文化aring and listening, it’s time to consider how to gather and circulate stories strategically within your larger organization and to key external audiences. Interviews and surveys are effective techniques for gathering stories from employees and key change management personnel because they allow you to hear personal insights on the initiative.

We recommend four key steps in interviewing staff as part of evaluating and sharing your organizational change initiative: Connect, Listen, Record, and Write.

How to Engage with Employees to Drive Organizational Change

通过小谈论一个安全的,中立的主题(“迄今为止的日子怎么样?”)连接,并感谢他们花时间与您交谈。确保还要解释面试的目的,并给他们一个快速的道路 - 他们可以期待的东西(将会有多长时间询问什么样的问题)。如果您正在录制对话,请先要求他们这样做。从更轻松,近端的问题开始“打破冰”。

尽量避免导致“是或否”答案的问题。相反,问如何,何时,什么,and图像为基础questions, like:

  • 您对组织变化的感受如何?
  • When did you start to believe this initiative would work? Why? How did you react at first? Have your feelings changed over time?
  • Paint a picture of your daily work and how it is changing because of this initiative.
  • 当你第一次听到主动性时,你的思想会发生什么?
  • What stories from your co-workers, managers, executives, or customers have stood out to you regarding this initiative?

As you prepare to ask these questions in an interview, it’s important to realize that the stories you gather will be impacted by not only what you ask, but how you ask it. This “how” of interviewing includes establishing rapport from the first seconds of your interview, exhibiting active listening, and using effective note-taking and transcribing. If you’re asking staff to collect stories, we recommend training that clarifies what stories you’re looking for and provides guidelines for story-sharing.

If you plan to publish the interviews in a peer-reviewed journal or other public medium, you need to obtain written permission from the person you are interviewing.


你可能听说过积极的聆听,无处可见,它比收集故事更重要。练习通过您的肢体语言(目光接触,点头)和肯定语言(“呃,呵呵”)的练习积极侦听(“呃,嗯”)。解释回到他或她以确认这个想法已被正确理解(称为“心理学中的”反思“)并显示您正在仔细聆听。不仅满足于内容,还要倾听扬声器的语气,身体姿势和其他非口头沟通。参加手势,面部表情和情感兴奋,关注,沉思 - 可以帮助您编写更引人注目的情感上的故事。


我们建议您录制您的采访,以便您可以将眼睛放在您的受访者身上而不是您的笔记本电脑。也就是说,在接受面试中的关键点以及近似的时间戳上,它也很好,当时它们是铰接式的 - 这样您就可以更轻松地从录制中检索密钥引号。

对于更扩展的定性研究项目,我们喜欢使用NVivo编码软件。对于我们的一本书项目,我们首先使用Express Scribe软件转换我们的采访,将转录的转录方式上传到NVIVO,并沿着在访谈中出现的关键主题编码成绩单,我们旨在通过我们的故事突出。如果您在采访和编写协同作用时,NVivo可能是特别有帮助的,因为软件可以分享和访问。

By this point, some stories will hopefully stand out as especially compelling. But it will take work to craft your raw material into a great story that will persuade and inspire your readers. Quotes or short testimonials make great marketing and fundraising copy, but well-developed, richly narrated insights that reflect authentic and accurate personal and team experiences are what you really need to drive and sustain organizational change. We cover these strategies and many more in ourvirtual innovation storytelling training

How to Write Organizational Stories from Interviews

每个人都有friends or family members who are natural storytellers-the ones who hold everyone’s rapt attention during a holiday meal, and whose stories continue to be recalled years later. Whether or not you consider yourself one of these “naturals,” you can start to hone your craft using the following steps.

Step 1: Identify your premise.

Start by identifying your premise, or the general idea of your change story. To create a premise with adequate detail, answer the following questions: Who (or what) is your protagonist? What is the situation? What is your protagonist’s condition at the beginning of the story? What does the protagonist want? Who is the opponent/who or what stands in the way? How is the conflict resolved?

It’s easy to answer these questions if you’re writing a traditional fairytale of hero vs. villain. When it comes to organizational change, you might have to approach these questions creatively. A protagonist can be an individual, but also an organization, department, or process. An opponent can be a person but also an inanimate concept like resistance, turnover, disorganization, or “the way we’ve always done things around here.”



As you populate your story with details, take note of “holes” that require more knowledge. Highlight them and develop a plan for answering your questions. This might mean follow-up e-mails or interviews.

Step 3: Demonstrate impact.

Steps 1 and 2 apply to any story; this step is especially useful for stories of change management. Social scientists have found that professionals are persuaded equally by five forms of impact: impact on society; impact on the customer; impact on the company/shareholders; impact on work team; and impact on them, personally.


How to Circulate Stories of Organizational Transformation

Stories about organizational change only matter if they are heard. Share the stories and quotes you collect with multiple audiences across a wide range of mediums, like:

  • 网络研讨会和演示(用于制定教学和学习背景下的变化的基调)
  • 会议和电话会议(用于共享非正式,短篇小说和提醒员工改变的目的和含义)
  • Videos (for appealing to multiple senses and painting a picture of cultural change in action)
  • 文章和博客职位(内部沟通变更和鼓舞人心的谈话)
  • White Papers (for communicating technical knowledge or expertise)
  • Social Media (for circulating your organizational vision and enterprise)
  • Journal Articles (for reaching expert audiences and informing the broader public)

By using written, spoken, visual, and auditory mediums to share stories of organizational change, staff and customers get a consistent and compelling image of your organization’s mission and reasons for pursuing change.

加入Untold的Virtual Innovation Storytelling Trainingto gain deeper, immersive understanding and strategies for inspiring change and innovation at your organization.

innovation storytelling training

Untold Content is a team of expert writing consultants that works with thought-leading organizations to craft clear, compelling content that drives organizational missions. To engage with our team,查看我们的技术写作和内容营销服务乐动体育娱乐。Learn more about our experience组织变革的讲故事

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    I really enjoyed this article, as it helped me with storytelling for my Masters degree course regarding leading change. Thank you for making it easier to understand.

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