与跨界健康的Dan Lord一起适应全球危机中的医疗保健












这一集由Untold内容的创新讲故事供电乐动体育足球乐动体育266。在这种沉浸式和互动的故事驱动的经验中增加购买。您的团队在哪个讲故事技术的最新项目,原型和投票 - 并通过25个史诗般的创新故事的史诗例子来启发。了解更多//www.isandstone.com/innovationstorytelling乐动体育266training-2/

凯蒂:欢迎来到“不为人知的创新故事”,在这里,我们会放大关于洞察力、影响力和创新的不为人知的故事。由Untold Con乐动体育足球tent赞助,我是主持人Katie Trauth Taylor。我们今天的嘉宾是丹·洛德。他是一家硅谷医疗服务提供商Crossover Health的临床项目总监。乐动体育娱乐你可以和世界上最大、最不可思议的科技公司合作。丹,非常感谢你今天上播客。



丹:是的。好吧,谢谢你。确实非常奇怪。并在医疗保健空间,它直接影响了我们的业务。而且,人们知道,我们是一个直接的初级护理解决方案,不仅包括医生和护士,还包括一个整个护理团队,包括肌肉骨骼护理,物理治疗师,针灸师,与医生密切合作的脊椎按摩师以及我们的行为健康有几家来自心理学家,精神科医生和健康教练的计划。所以这是我们的核心团队。而且,你知道,我们在我们建造的这些美妙的健康中心中做了很多亲人的关怀。我们已经开始致电数字健康和虚拟护理和所有这些。但是,Covid现象,危机等,对我们从内在诊所经验转换到数字健康体验的速度,这一巨大影响巨大。 And so that’s been a wild ride the last four weeks, you know. And then also designing new care management tools. So if we have any of our patients that get COVID, how can we manage them? You know, of course, if they are, you know, hospitalized at that level, that’s slightly different because we’re primary care. But as you know, there’s a large cohort of people who are not at the level of going to the hospital, but need to be closely monitored. They need to be protected. They need to know the right places to go to protect others and themselves, etc. So we’re building a lot of tools and communication and care to help those people, as well as outdoor testing and breathing clinics and all these new services to react to the climate. So we’ve been all hands on deck for the last month. It’s been totally crazy. But it’s exciting at the same time. And I know that sounds weird. I don’t want to make light of it, but it’s exciting because we get to do really great work that affects each patient and we can play a role in this whole terrible issue. So, yeah, we’re doing great.


凯蒂:好的。我很高兴听到这个消息。我迫不及待地想要更多地讨论来自所有工作中的一些创新故事。你知道,关于,我会说一年或两年前,你的团队在联盟内容上与我们的团队合作,为远程医疗围绕远程杂交的交叉进行一些节目设计。乐动体育足球所以我真的 - 我查看了交叉,我认为这对雇主赞助的护理空间来说是真的,但交叉肯定是在试图将数字健康融入一种混合模型的尖端上这个空间的思想领导者。因此,理解人们确实想要身体看待他们的提供者,而且它们 - 对于练习良好的远程医疗,对远程医疗需要增加需求。你的背景是物理治疗,对吗?

丹:物理疗法。脊椎按摩术是我的基础。所以,是的,那种带我到某个位置的道路。当我们开始合作时,它严格在穆斯科架构竞技场和设计一些那些关心途径和一些过程中的东西,在我们的护理模型上做一些研究。然后你是正确的,设计一些实际的电话治疗服务,有些人认为这听起来有点疯狂。乐动体育娱乐因为人们认为这项服务和脊椎按摩疗法是一种偶数。而且很有意思,因为它将这些专业转移到“嘿,我们不仅仅是一种方式。你不仅仅是进入并获得手动治疗。我们是如何减少您可以使用的痛苦和策略的专家,您可以使用您可以使用的自我维护和练习,在您自己的家中,没有物理治疗师来解决您的一些最大问题。“所以它绝对有趣。 And there’s a big innovation story there as well.

凯蒂:绝对的。因此,看到你和你的团队如此久以前很勤奋的准备工作是很好的,现在 - 现在 - 这是一个批判性和迫切需要。

丹:重要时刻。是的。我们很幸运能够有机会这样做,因为我们已经为这场危机做好准备。很明显,虚拟物理治疗并不能解决Covid,不幸的是。但是,有很多人在痛苦中不能去,现在得到帮助。有很多人 - 背部疼痛没有与covid消失。还有很多人需要我们的帮助,我们能够帮助他们,因为我们所做的工作。


丹:绝对的。也有一些不同的途径。我们已经开发了一个积极主动的外展项目,针对高风险人群,或者可能接触过的人,或者,你知道的,担心的人,或者,你知道的,或者对检测有疑问的人。我们的护士团队正在做一些积极主动的外展工作,并与所有这些成员进行沟通,以便他们知道下一步该做什么。在Crossover,数字健康领域有了巨大的增长。它真的,你知道,它很棒,因为我们一直认为这是正确的工具。无论我们是否处于COVID的情况下,拥有一个数字化的前门并将技术融入到你的护理路径中,这显然是未来的趋势,但这真的是关于在正确的时间使用正确的工具。我们可以提供更好的护理,增强医生的能力,增强PT或行为健康治疗师的能力。如果我们不仅可以使用我们的物理护理,我们的一对一,甚至-我甚至会进一步定义或分离一些工作作为同步和异步。所以同步是,你知道,你仍然在使用提供者的时间去看一个病人,你必须做大量的沟通,评估和治疗,以及在同步访问期间的所有事情,无论是当面访问还是视频访问。 There are clear limitations to providing all care that way. If you think about how we communicate in life in general outside of health care, it’s through asynchronous means. It’s an email. It’s a text message. It’s a chat. It’s a group forum. It’s social media.




丹:是的,当然。在矛的尖端,我们的目标是人口健康。因此,就像我之前提到的那样,我们认为,我们正在转换,并从作为一个人口健康经理的诊所建造者转变。与众不同的是,我们知道,我们雇用人们在一个小心中看到一个人。我们的服务费用。保险公司将为您进行比较。那种东西在哪里,你知道,这是当前医疗型号的地方。到 - 好的,不仅是为了成为人口健康经理,我们不仅要与人口诊所融合数字健康,但我们必须拥有一个新的商业模式来围住上面。所以我 - 诊所,没有商业模式的背景,因为它没有意义。如果我们练习我们现在在社区练习的方式,我们会因为我们 - 我们的模式是关于结果的,这不是我们提供的服务。乐动体育娱乐 And that’s how everyone else gets paid. And so our design of our clinics and the design of our care model and the design of our digital tools are all to help improve the population’s health. And so if you think about that as a platform, now you can design the care plan to solve that patient’s problem. And the beautiful thing, the thing that makes me wake up every morning and I’m happy, is because the provider and the patient are now on the same team. And it’s never like that. It’s never been like that before. At least in the United States. Any clinic you walk into, and I don’t care if you’re walking into a chiropractor or an orthopedic surgeon or a neurologist or your primary care physician, that business makes money based on the services they provide. And so there’s always a conflict of interest in the insurance company, the billing, the services that you provide. And instead, to what you were saying, Katie, we can contract directly with payers, and in this case self-insured employers, in order to say, “Hey, let’s do this differently. Let’s design the whole care pathway to solve a problem as efficiently and effectively as possible. And, by the way, have a wonderful patient experience.” And so in order to do that, we have to design a beautiful space that’s welcoming, that also elicits integration and collaboration between the care teams. So right from the start, our physical designs — everybody’s sitting next to each other, there’s a bullpen where everybody’s collaborating, where we can get data from our data warehouse on all the different patients that we’re seeing in our patient panel, and we can practice a model of population health by getting those care insights and delivering on them and making sure patients know the next step to take to improve their health and really getting that patient to the right care as soon as possible. There’s really low hanging fruit out there. For example, my background is physical therapy and chiropractic, of course. And there’s lots of unnecessary surgeries. There’s lots of unnecessary imaging. There’s lots of unnecessary pain medication. There’s lots of unnecessary treatment and overutilization. And so if we simply say, “Hey, here’s what the evidence says, here’s our therapeutic alliance. Let’s get on this plan together and let’s solve your problem.” The rest takes care of itself. It’s really wonderful to practice that way. Physicians get into the practice of medicine to help. And when you have a platform like this, it makes everything so much easier. So the clinics are designed to support this and our digital tools, our Crossover platform is also designed to do this and integrate seamlessly so that, hey, if you don’t need to come into the clinic, if you just can solve your problem with a couple of questions, we have a really easy way that you can reach out to your provider. Not a random person, you know, from a telehealth company. But I want to talk to my physical therapist, my knee’s starting to hurt again. You can send a quick chat. You don’t have to do an entire appointment and drive all the way into the clinic, spend four hours if it’s like you can solve your problem with a couple of questions to your PT who already knows you, already knows your background. You know, we’re designing for efficiency. We’re designing for experience. It’s exciting to do the right thing in health care. And I think we’re still the only — one of the only groups that’s actually doing this. So that’s why — it’s why it’s exciting.

凯蒂:远远超过一个最酷的项目,我们必须参与其中的是学习综合设计。你打电话给它。我喜欢这种形象,因为当你走进交叉健康诊所时,基本上患者 - 你怎么称呼它们?


凯蒂:是的,当然。好吧。治疗室就在大楼的外面大楼的中间是一个大房间。在这里,脊椎指压疗法和针灸师,初级保健医生,护士从业者一起工作,还有行为健康专家,还有健康教练。所以每个诊所都有一个整合的合作中心。听起来你模仿了同样的模式和你创造的数字接口如果一个病人因为背痛来找他们的初级护理医生,初级护理医生会和你的物理医疗团队合作。在社区里,对于背痛的人来说,这是一种支离破碎的体验。如果他们去看初级保健医生,他们可能会被转介到针灸师那里,他们可能会被转介到物理治疗那里,他们可能会被送去做影像检查,或者只是吃止痛药。那些医生通常不会互相交谈。所以会有很多来回的交流,有时会出现沟通错误,病人会被困在中间,不得不导航。 And what’s amazing to me, when we got to work together on — particularly on the project that got published, it was really about studying how Crossover’s model, because of the way it integrates primary care and physical medicine specialists together in one space, that you’re able to reduce costs and get patients to feel better, faster. And at the same time, we didn’t study this aspect, but we knew based on a lot of feedback from patients, that the communication barriers and all of that headache was reduced as well. And that study was published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. I’m so proud of that work. Essentially, we were able together to discover that your patients got better six days faster.


丹:正确的。我会把另一个陷波拿起。你知道,在社区,有草图在它上面的战斗。有 - 所以你所描述的沉默护理甚至进一步挑战了服务模型和每个人都喜欢的费用,这是我的背痛患者。它根本没有合作。因此,即使您可以沟通和协作,它也会受到阻碍。因此,该模型真正有助于整合和协作和解决问题。所以,你知道,你的团队可以真正解决而不是如果你去其他地方。你是对的,这不仅是患者的观点和沟通的增加,而且提供者对他们的练习更满意。


丹:他们每天都刺激,他们互相学习。而且,你知道,最好的部分,就像你所描述的那样,这节省了钱。并不意味着我们添加更多的治疗或增加更多。这是,“嘿,我们将弄清楚那个人的背部。他们的合适工具是什么?他们是 - 它是一个核心稳定性问题吗?他们有害怕痛苦吗?有情感还是心理健康成分?他们郁闷,他们背痛了吗?“好吧,现在我们可以直接与心理健康提供者或健康​​教练合作,帮助促进订婚,帮助促进遵守。 And it’s just, it’s magical. If you put the right people together and they’re incentivized to work together, it’s great. I’m with you.

凯蒂:好吧,内容战略的一个美女也是如此,我们能够 - 与交叉卫生患者相比,该出版物中的数据点之一是群体中的阿片类药物的使用。而20%的患者因肌肉骨骼疼痛而被规定的阿片类药物,但在交叉下只有2.8%。所以这是这种剧烈的差异。So I loved writing and collaborating with you on those thought pieces where we were saying, “Hey, there’s a potential here that an integrated model of care where you put different types of providers, different specialties, working alongside one another, that this can have a drastic impact on the opioid epidemic as well.

丹:这是正确的。这是完全正确的。这也是我最喜欢的部分。当你有一个医生,可以作为四分卫,他们有一个团队围绕着他们。这极大地改变了他们行医的方式。不同的人对针灸、脊椎指压疗法和物理疗法会有不同的反应。现在我们可以——我们有一个标准的治疗途径把人们送到正确的人那里。那个医生,你知道,通常,就像你之前说的,是孤立于其他选择之外的。他们不知道什么是基于脊椎指压疗法的证据。研究对针灸治疗疼痛有什么看法? How can a physical therapist treat acute low back pain patient? What are options if you don’t have medicine? These are all things that are not even part of the conversation at Crossover. The patient immediately goes to conservative care and we have conservative ways to modulate their symptoms. Whether it’s acupuncture or different positional work that the PT can do or different manual therapy that the chiro can do. There’s the right tools in the tool box so that we don’t need to rely on pain medication as much. And even if we do, we have the physician and the therapist working shoulder to shoulder. So we use it as a bridge so that patient can get active sooner instead of using it as a solution. So, very exciting. And, you know, again, we’re not going to solve the opioid crisis, but we can be part — a big part of that solution. We can manage pain much differently because there’s just better tools in the toolbox. Instead of just a prescription pad, you have a team.


丹:快点。我们会像一个月前一样治愈它。不,你知道,我可以告诉你初级保健有一个巨大的作用。我们向所有客户推出了这种大流行级别的概念。我开始谈论它,我们有这个主动外展,我们有测试中心,我们有户外测试,我们有呼吸中心和 -


丹:当然。好吧,显然,呼吸急促是关键要素或关键症状之一。这是户外,当然和安全。But there’s different procedures, medications, strategies and different things that the physicians can apply to help some of these patients, short term and long term, cope with the symptoms of COVID and prevent them from having urgent care or prevent them from going to the emergency room if they don’t have to. So it’s really helping to unload or decrease the volume going into hospitals. So we know that that is a huge issue. And so there is a cohort of people that aren’t as acute that can be treated in a manner that’s not in the hospital. And so that’s where primary care can really make a big impact. Along with making sure that people who, you know, people who haven’t gotten COVID are taking all the right cautious procedures and know how to protect themselves. And, you know, if we can also keep people healthy, keep people active, keep people, you know — whether they’re needing medication or need to continue their exercises or their active lifestyle, keeping the population healthy, too, helps us cope with COVID as well. So the primary care platform plays a key role in whether we can impact the overall epidemic or pandemic. Hard to say, but without a doubt you can manage things better in a population health driven company because we’re already doing the types of things like proactive outreach and care management for those at risk. We’re already looking at how we can make our population healthier. We’re already looking at how we can do that in a digital way. And so that’s kind of our swing.


丹:是的,不,这是真的,我想我们已经移动了过去的启动。我们的首席执行官和创始人斯科特·斯皮特(Scott Shreve)讨论了我们的敏捷性和我们的反脆弱公司,我们需要能够灵活,移动并响应当前的气候。我认为这就是为什么我们已经成功,这就是他是如何建造公司的。如你所知,我们能够快速地枢转。它真的很好。


丹:是的,这是一个很大的问题。我认为为了做努力,你需要买入。而且我想斯科特 - 他的一个超级大国是讲故事和引人手的,你知道,所有员工,每个员工都在一个共同的目标上交叉,即使它真的,真的很难。为了做到这一点,为了获得买入,你必须呈现一个故事。人们必须真正与那个故事进行搞,无论是如何对待患者或转向虚拟护理的故事以及如何在医疗保健中击中三重瞄准,他真的可以设置这个语气。再次,如果我们想卖掉这一点,如果我们想要真正让人们买入我们的概念,那必须被告知为一个故事。它必须是我们如何说服人们的内容策略,这是正确的事情。人们在页面上的数字并不反应。我们可以向您展示数据,成本数据,如此。但是,迄今为止的唯一方法就是我们可以讲述它的故事,告诉患者围绕着患者的经历,告诉人们与我们的医疗保健相互作用的实际经验以及它如何改变他们的生活。 Discuss, you know, how this affects providers’ happiness and this type of practice style will make you excited again to be a provider. You know, we’re against provider burnout here. And we want to actually facilitate happier, healthier, stronger providers. And when you have that type of a message and that type of a story, people absolutely jump on board. And that’s how you can create change.


丹:凯蒂,我得说,马上回来。我们在了解Untold Content的过程中度过了一段美好的时光。乐动体育足球你的团队里全是明星,有远见,有领导,有老师。我们不仅能够开发,你知道,我们发布的内容,,当然,超级令人兴奋,但是我们能够,你知道的,告诉我们试图建立的故事,,你知道的,我们可以利用我们所有的供应商在相同的页面上,让他们对我们要做的事情感到兴奋,然后真正地执行它。你们从一开始就在研发、讲故事、制定战略方面发挥了重要作用。所以这是一个共同的粉丝圈。

凯蒂:好吧,你知道,它是 - 当化学发生的时候,你能够与合适的主题专家配对强大的作者或讲故事者或设计师或数据可视化艺术家,那么这就是魔法可能发生的地方。当文化契合时,我认为也很重要。而且我喜欢如何在交叉中与交叉合作的每个临床主题专家都充满激情。他们已准备好分享他们的见解。他们已准备好学习最新的研究和分享。并且真的渴望能够通过这种方式沟通并代表整个组织。和一些出版物,你知道,在贸易期刊和学术期刊上着陆,并在你们所做的工作中的新闻中,所做的那么好。而且我认为临床专家太少能够,而不仅仅是临床,我应该说出任何一种专家,只是太少,他们能够让那个时间从实验室长凳或患者抬头看一下be able to say in a bigger microphone, “Hey, here’s a new way of doing something. And even though what I’m saying is complex and there are a lot of different nuances to it, I’m still going to make the time to share thought leadership around it because I believe that it’s going to make the world a better place. It’s going to inspire more models like what we’re doing or more approaches like what we’re doing.” So that’s something I just — I think when that chemistry works well, it really creates so much — it builds so much creativity and output.


凯蒂:好吧,你知道,它的另一个方面也是不平衡的,我认为是我们正在做的合作的数据驱动和证据驱动的性质,我们正在一起编写的出版物。我们发现 - 有一篇文章早期发表的文章,我相信这是2019年初,关于隐身研究 - 我将在展示笔记中将其联系起来 - 但它基本上是一项研究了一群不同的医疗保健Unicorn。所以初创公司以十亿美元或更多的价值价值。他们中有多少实际上发表了临床医生或出版了他们的咨询委员会的科学家以及其中有多少人实际上出版了他们的调查结果和数据,以支持他们的产品或服务或其模型。乐动体育娱乐基本上,再次,正如你所能从标题中讲述,这是隐身。没有很多初创性,他们正在优先考虑这一点。它是公平的,很难做到,因为在医学期刊或科学期刊上发表很长时间。同行评审过程可能是艰苦的。And yet the ones who are prioritizing it, really, there’s a lot more at stake to making sure that you are making time for that, because I think in a post-Theranos world, it’ll be an expectation and not an option, right. Investors — more and more investors are asking, “Where’s the data? Where’s the proof?”

丹:正确的。我们 - 这是正确的。应该这样做。我们不是在谈论社交媒体应用程序或一些沟通工具,您可以在您飞行时友好地构建,并将最低可行的产品达到市场,然后迭代。那是怎么 - 我在硅谷的中间 - 这就是大多数事情的工作。而且你找到了一个利基,然后那是利基扩张。在医疗保健中,很难因为这种模型可以很容易地破坏。然而,这篇文章被编写的原因,我认为它有很多宣传的原因,你有一系列的医疗保健公司,这些公司正在像Instagram一样行动,也是他们自己的定价,但永远不会确保他们正在努力证明他们的数字解决方案实际工作。以及需要的医疗保健。 You can’t invent a new drug and not go through the hoops of the FDA and go through the right research and all of that. And so it’s the same for a digital health startup. If you are proposing a new solution, you’ve got to stand on evidence. And I think that’s what’s separated Crossover from a lot of our competitors is that we’re doing the hard work to prove our model, to publish on our model, to get third parties to benchmark our model. You can’t argue with clear data and evidence and research. And the — it stood the test of time, to be honest. Right. There have been a lot that have flashed in the pan, but if you don’t have that hard work to stand on, it’s hard to continue to move forward.







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