












凯蒂:(00:00:04)欢迎来到无数创新的故事,我们放大无数故事的洞察力,和创新的影响。由数不清的内容。乐动体育足球我是你的主人,凯蒂Trauth泰勒。今天我们的客人是J.J.雪。她是美国空军首席技术官AFWERX。她也是导师项目的首席运营官,这是为了阐明指导的好处。她是个名誉副和威斯康辛大学的研究员,麦迪逊。她是一个生物安全研究员乔治敦大学。她发表了很多文章。她领导了许多创新项目,其中一个,你可能还记得,我们在这个播客不久前,的地方M项目。 A team of physicists and engineers from around the world worked together to design a simplified ventilator system for COVID-19. And they did so in about a month and got it through FDA approval in that amount of time and part thanks to leadership and coordination from JJ. We are so grateful to have you on the podcast once again, JJ. Thanks for being here.



JJ:(00:01:33)当然,我很高兴。现在我们有很多有趣的活动。事实上,如果你访问我们AFWERX网站,你会看到所有的即将到来的挑战,它涉及一系列不同的主题。事实上,每一周,每一天都是不同的。我们一直在关注空间的挑战。我们有未来的基地,这是关注我们如何创建现代,有弹性的基地,这是在我——我看发生了什么事在飓风和廷德尔空军基地找出我们如何创建一个可以生存的基础自然灾害。让人们有飓风期间的安全,然后允许基地实际应对帮助当地和周边地区的公共的状态。看着这些新技术,我们已经联系了这么多有趣的创新者。这些都是黑客和制造商。这些是学者。 These are industry professionals, small businesses up on to the corporations. And it’s global. So we have really, really neat contacts coming in all the time, all kinds of interesting ideas that they’re bringing to bear so that we can figure out that next set of solutions, that next generation of innovation.

凯蒂:(00:02:53)是的。和你有这么多的工作伙伴。那么,建立J.J.刚刚提到的,你可以去AFWERX。这是一个W E x R F。米我l和探索。这真是一个很棒的网站。但你达到飞行员,达到产业、学术界,当然,你也有创新中心。我不可思议的倡议和讲故事的数量数量AFWERX火花。

JJ:(00:03:20)是的。是的。我们热情的说书人。如果你遇到任何我们的团队,在不同的事件,挑战,拓展,我们的网络事件,你会得到前排的位子,我们有告诉的故事激励人们成为创新者。和任何人都可以成为创新者。没关系。我们的一些年轻的创新者的青少年。一些最古老的80年代。和他们有一个好主意。他们想成为一个项目的一部分,一个区别。 They want to have an impact. And so they just join us in our innovation hubs, these public open spaces. They get in there with their great ideas. And it’s amazing what comes out of these initiatives. I am so inspired on a daily basis by all the amazing bright people that are coming in with these ideas that I would have never thought of.


JJ:(00:05:04)完全正确。完全正确。的值,这个故事是这样的:当你告诉一个故事,你使它有形,让它感到共鸣。你让人们把自己的故事和与你建立互连。所以这真的令人惊叹的挂毯,周围开始开发一个项目,从开始的故事在我们所要找的。事实上,有一个很好的计划,我们工作的伊拉克人。在这个特殊的情况下,我们在处理一些问题专门安置。叛乱分子已经进入,将简易爆炸装置放置在墙上的新房。人移动,他们受伤。他们被杀。 We didn’t have enough robots to go through or dogs to go through on a daily basis to make sure that these new homes were safe and secure. And so we immediately reached out to our network and said, look, we really want to get ideas around how to affordably detect if somebody has placed an improvised explosive device in a space. And so we had all of these people come out. And if this was actually a SOFWERX at the time, but it was a joint initiative because all of the services were involved and a lot of interagency partners and our allied partners definitely a big concern because we’re trying to help the Iraqis stand back up and take their country back and get a fresh start. And so I’ll never forget this. We’re all brainstorming and people were putting stickies up on the wall. And there’s a very quiet young man in the back simply says, “bubbles.” And we all kind of turn and look. And I’m thinking, is that his nickname or is that an idea or…? So we just pause. And he said, “Bubbles, we can do it with bubbles.” And his idea was to create a bubble gun that would blow bubbles around the room and trigger these passive infrared devices to go off. Very portable, very cheap. And we thought, well, maybe, I don’t know. So we bought a couple bubble party machines and we bought some remote control cars. And my gosh darn, if it didn’t work, you could do remote control cars for less than twenty dollars, rolling with a bubble machine on top of them. All these bubbles are swirling around and the motion would be picked up by the passive infrared. And if there was a device that was in that house, it would explode. Nobody was hurt. No animals were hurt. We were able to do it really quickly and easily. And this is the type of innovation I’m talking about. None of us would have thought of that. But he had that creative sense to come up with that idea and say, well, I’ve seen this happen in the past. What if and it’s the “what if” that really takes off from the initial story.


JJ:(00:08:02)这是一个平民。这是一个平民,来到我们的工厂。所以我们所有的设施是公共设施。任何人都可以走进来和我们谈话,如果他们有一个主意。他们可以把一个想法和展示,他们可以成为我们的挑战的一部分。他们可以告诉自己的故事,告诉我们,嘿,这就是你需要知道的关于一个故事。这就是我认为我可以帮助你。在某些情况下,他们识别问题,我们还没考虑呢。但是他们看到它从一个全新视角,和这个故事帮助使它真正的其他人。我们的合并。 But this was just a young man that decided, hey, I’m going to show up and help make a difference.


JJ:(00:08:46)这是。这是一个创新的挑战。这一个是特别关注:如何帮助伊拉克人拿回自己的国家吗?我们如何帮助他们稳定?我们如何帮助他们与一连串的事情?是否,你知道,重建基础设施或安全操作,这掉进的一个组成部分,或者重建的一些受灾最严重的地区。那是什么样子的呢?我们如何能帮助提高他们因此发生了什么你得到最好的房间里所有的想法。它是负担得起的。这是太快了。 It’s smart. It’s creative. And it’s something that we can apply right then and there. And that’s what these events are designed to do.


JJ:(00:10:09)确定。它取决于所面临的挑战,因为当你制作一个故事,你制定一个故事的意图想要展示你的英雄的追求是什么,对吧?其背后的“为什么”。我们为什么要这么做?“为什么”是什么激发某些人与某些技能。你必须得到正确的故事,因为他们要为一个故事,有相似的价值观和道德和他们热爱的领域。另一个很好的例子是我们做过的联合服务。乐动体育娱乐这被称为远程协助的建议。这个功能是由海军研究生院。远程通信能力,允许特种安全部队从我们的盟国或从美国向伊拉克军队,在地面上,遇到一个反叛力量或敌人的力量。 And so at that point, their troops in conflict, you know, they contact and they’ve actually encountered that enemy force. And they’re calling back for help. The challenge with this, we knew that it was an open source architecture that had been built and sent downrange. But we didn’t know where all the vulnerabilities were. And so we had a few folks. Reach out to us and said, look, we know you have this amazing network of ethical hackers that you’re teaming with. Would you please ask them if they could take a look at this and help? And we did. And we told them the story and we told them how we were using this device to help and for training and for communications. And it was incredible. We had seven hackers come back. They came back in about 48 hours. They had identified all the vulnerabilities. They had identified all the ways to fix the vulnerabilities and harden the system. And they had done it for free because they wanted to make a difference, to save lives, to improve security and to help people. They saw what we were trying. The story we were trying to tell.




JJ:(00:13:06)哦,上帝。这是个很好的问题。听到很多不同的方式。如果你告诉正确的故事。你鼓舞人心的人站出来和参与。所以我认为我们所做的一件事,在空军,我看到这个在很多作品海军行为模型和看到这个是我们打开门和我们每个人都可以成为这个故事的一部分。这个故事是围绕着。产生积极影响。所以我经常想告诉的故事,如果我们聪明的我们如何分层技术,我们如何实现我们的技术,最终我们可以推动领导和决策者对积极决定让远离conflict-decision让外交解决方案,远离动力解决方案,可能导致一场战争。我们有能力,如果我们聪明,努力改变我们之间的关系和如何减少冲突,我们讲述的故事。 And that’s really, really inherent in a lot of the work we do. Because if you have tools that will prevent war or prevent conflict, you never have to get there and get such an important part of what we’re trying to do in the military. Many people don’t realize this. Nobody wants to deploy. Nobody wants to go to war. It’s a really horrible experience. And when you have been exposed to that, you understand that, hey, if we don’t have to do this in the future, let’s not. Let’s find technologies that will help to prevent that. And so that’s one of the stories we’ve been building around that a lot of innovators have been drawn to because they’re passionate about that, too. They want to prevent suffering. They want to build towards a positive future where we’re all coming together to make a difference. And everybody wants to see an end to warfare. Everybody wants to see an end to conflict and tools that will allow us to have positive discussions that help to mitigate any kind of conflict or warfare in the future. And so when and where we can we focus on that. Not all cases allow us to do that. We still are in the business of fighting wars and keeping national security. So there’s a second storyline there that really looks at technologies that then enable us to discreetly discriminately fight wars with as low a number of casualties as possible. We’re really trying to be thoughtful about limiting the effects on the societies and the populations that we’re teaming with or that we’re working in. And that’s another story that also inspires people. And then there’s the science. So many people that come to our events are huge science [unclear wording] or science fiction fans. And when they come into our spaces, you know, they grew up with this. They love to learn. They love to be challenged. They love those wicked problems. And they come into the space with ideas that they have a story that they want us to hear. And they’re telling those stories. And that’s also inspiring everybody in that space. So they’re coming in with their own hero’s quest, you know, why are they motivated around this specific problem? And then at the same time, they’re also telling us a story that’s relatable. They’re telling us a story that is, you know, this is their scene. This is their mantra. This is the narrative that’s making a solution or technology, tangible, familiar, accessible. It’s helping everybody in the room to understand the importance and how they believe it can help to solve a problem that they care about. And then who? Who are they? When someone steps into the room, whether they’re from the Air Force or the Navy or the Army or the Marine Corps or the Coast Guard or they’re inter-agency partners or allied partners or they’re ethical hackers, they’re makers, they’re academics. They’re the public that are coming in to make a difference. Who are they? Are they a team? What? Why are they passionate about this? Are they playing their roles well? Are they humble? Are they focused on doing their best to solve a problem that they care about? That passion translates over to the success of the story. And then the story is what gets you started and the story is what takes you all the way fully through to that successful ending. That’s what we’re trying to cultivate and build around each of these hubs.

凯蒂:(00:18:07)这绝对是不可思议的方式,你知道的,你说那么美丽故事的方式定义了我们做什么,背后的动机如何定义和帮助我们与他人联系,所以你提到的关联性,这是至关重要的能够说这是我是谁,这是我带来的上下文,我为什么关心这个。好的。现在我们联系,让我们的团队。让我们合作,让我们一起解决。我认为这是——这些是如此强大。和你很多优秀点的描述文化和如何构建它。的一件事我也是那么尊重与AFWERX你实际所使用的策略把故事将人们聚拢在一起的生活和帮助创新结合在一起。你有火花。你有火花的细胞。你有思维能力的平台。 You have the Squadron Innovation Fund. There are obviously there are SBIRs and STTRs. If you’re unfamiliar with those, you should definitely – if you’re listening to this podcast, check them out. They are government grants to solve innovation challenges. And one of the things that just really stood out to me is Spark Tank. Could you tell me a little bit about that?


JJ:(00:19:21)这实际上是过冷的倡议。在这种情况下,就像一条鲨鱼。但是我们要做的是鼓励人们提出解决方案和应用到一个特定的邪恶的问题我们在空军,我们真的是挣扎。这可能是我们的飞行员也可能是一个行业合作伙伴或启动时,个体创新者,一群创新者。当他们进入这个空间,我们玩鲨鱼。我们…或火花,在这种情况下。我们试图让他们表达和谈论他们试图提出。如何去做。他们试图解决什么问题?在这种情况下,我们真的看四个关键领域。 We’re really looking at, upfront, you know, why or how is your technology the hero that’s going to save my day from whatever wicked problem that I’m dealing with? How is it going to help my customers? Why is it better, smarter, faster, unique compared to other similar solutions out there? What makes it stand out? And so we’re trying to get to that piece of the story. And at the same time, we’re also trying to get them to make it a conversation. I did a lot of briefing. We want to hear the story that, you know, got them in front of us to begin with. What problem were they tackling as an airman? What problem were they tackling as an innovator or a private citizen that they saw it also applied to another problem or multiple problems? We want them to tell us, not brief us, but tell us tell us that story, that conversation that makes the solution, again, personal. It’s relatable. That passion shines through. And when you see that passion shining through, when you see people are really, really focused on making a difference and they really want to find out, can something… Can this be done or we’re already seeing that it can be done. And here’s what we think we can do with it next. That speaks volumes. That’s a really good foundation, like a cornerstone to a story that means you’re moving in the right direction towards a technology that could have some great success. And then we also encourage them to really keep it big-picture. Sometimes we have a lot of folks that come in and they really want to dive deep and get into the tech specs. That’s dangerous. It’s great if you want to try to do that in a spark tank. You only have so many minutes to do your talk. You can get lost in the detail. And that person, that storyteller is trying to throw in way too many details. And if they get bogged down, they can lose their audience. And if they lose their audience, they may miss out on being able to articulate a solution that could really solve a problem. So we’re really trying to get them to think about that even before they step onto the stage. And then the last part is make it visual. Whether that’s through words or develop oh, or images make that technology, that’s a solution accessible to everybody. You can tell me about technology all day long. I can read about it. But until I actually see it and I understand how it works and I understand how it’s solving a problem that I care about… I may not, you know, it may get lost in translation if so many times I see companies that come in that fail to do this. And this is usually one of the feedback pieces that I’ll give them. Make it a story. What’s your narrative coming in? How is it familiar and relatable to me? Do that demo, do that image, help me to get it. Help my audience to get it, because not everybody in the audience is going to be a technologist. In fact, a lot of them probably won’t be. They have a problem. They need a solution. They’re not sure about how to get there. And then the technology piece, if they get too many details, they’ll definitely get lost. So I’ll give you a great example that just happened this week, in fact, yesterday. We did a virtual tech trip that we reached out to the state of Washington. And a fantastic opportunity to virtually see a bunch of companies. Most people did a PowerPoint briefing, and that’s fine. It was great, there were some pictures. One company actually posed in front of their six degrees of freedom, multi material, 3-D printer, this giant robotic arm, and showed us videos of it in action. So they presented and they showed the videos. And wow, that was powerful. Immediately got it. Everybody online got excited about it because you see it in action. The story becomes tangible, relatable. And suddenly people were just across the board on the line. All of the tech scouts got excited because they could see how this could fit into different sectors and different problems that they were challenged with. So those are really key storytelling techniques that we’re appreciating, you know, that we’re looking at when people get in front of us at a Spark Tank. And once they do that, that’s what helps them get to the top of the Spark Tank and get pulled into the winner’s circle at the end because they’ve demonstrated those four different areas.


JJ:(00:25:37)这就是这个故事变得非常激动人心,因为现在我们匹配他们与一个特定的客户。在这种情况下,它通常是我们的一个空军基地。这可能是一个特定的团队或董事。这可能是空军研究实验室或命令空军材料。在这种情况下,他们正在迭代的解决方案与客户有一个问题。他们认为这个解决方案是答案。这是真的,真的令人兴奋,因为你,你测试这个功能和展示,是的,事实上,它可以做X, Y和Z /知道它可以做一个,B,但不是C或他们所有人。现在,我们认为我们可以带着它到下一个水平更多的资金。那块有助于故事,最初的故事,引起了他们的注意,让他们与军方或政府的合作伙伴,真的将朝着“好吧,这里有不同的问题现在可以解决这个特定的解决方案。”,而不是一个故事,很关注一个主题或者三个主题,当他们出现在门口,他们现在告诉一个故事,有一个横切的影响。这个故事是关于解决问题的空间。 This is a story about how they can move very quickly to provide impact today in a year, sometimes in 18 months, and how they intend to translate that story into action. That’s the next step. And once that happens, things really start to get exciting.






JJ:(00:28:56)是的,是的。是的,当然有。总是设法激发创造力。这是你真正的东西,真正打动我的,因为我已经有很多人问这个问题。你如何保持创造力吗?所以我非常热爱的东西。的一件事我要做的就是不断地挑战我的团队一起工作学习。继续学习。暴露自己新的想法,新的思维方式,真正把他们开发自己的激情工作以外的。太多的人只关注在工作区中发生了什么。 No, no, no. Have those deep hobbies, you know, try new things out. You know, it could be art, it could be music, painting, poetry, science, game theory, different types of sports… You know, get out there and try something new that really pushes you. You push your comfort zone, helps you to see things in a new way. I try to bring in people that think very differently. We’ve had some amazing success with bringing in our ethical hackers. We’ve had some amazing success with various sci fi artists and authors and get them to understand, you know, the different challenges that exist out there around innovation, ethics, philosophy, cultural challenges, how to innovate in a resource-constrained environment. I learned that from Secretary Geurts when he was down at SOFWERX he limited how much money we had around a project because he did not want us to buy a solution. He wanted us to think about how to find a solution and get there smartly. I love that. I absolutely love that. So that would be… That would be the biggest piece of advice that I have if people are seeking to inspire creativity among their team. You know, reach out and challenge yourself in these areas. And also look for other storytellers, people that are mentors that are doing this well already and read about them. Watch videos. I know online. I think the Disney Gallery now has some really great video talks around tech and talent and the different types of creativity involved in bringing projects to life. I’m a huge fan for Dave Filoni. Also, you know, Rich Sheridan is a friend over at Menlo Innovations, I’m reading through one of his books right now, Joy, Inc.. If you have a chance to take a look. Because he is an amazing storyteller and you can learn so much about how to craft your stories to get other people excited and help them craft their story. So that’s – that would be my last piece of advice today.



























